Comments of smilingbb

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2017-04-09 07:20:59

April 6 will always be a day to honor and celebrate that God gave the gift of you to the world. Happy Birthday to you. I will always cherish you! Sweet kisses :*


2017-04-09 07:00:36

I hope you had a very happy birthday. You deserve all the best the world has to offer and more! :* I wish you the best always!


2017-04-06 07:23:24

Happy birthday! Adored is the heart touched by you, Redeemed is the soul by your side, Blessed are the eyes that behold you, For my heart, soul and eyes don't lie. :*:*:*


2017-04-06 06:21:34

You are the most beautiful Goddess in the universe! I hope you have a very happy birthday, and many very happy returns!

smilingbb (reply to Singer)

2016-04-14 16:40:54

So nice from u ,Singer.

smilingbb (reply to Ambrosia)

2016-04-14 16:40:05

Thank you :* :*


2016-04-06 03:15:27

????H?A?P?P?Y? B?I?R?T?H?D?A?Y?????


2016-04-06 03:12:11

.......?*................ __/__
.......*?............? ..*-:¦:-*
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´¸.?? ........YOU
/ .*????????????*BIRTHDAY !!!!*????????????*


2016-01-30 09:23:03

I can't believe this beautiful angel is not married to some king and living in a castle. What fairy tale did she escape from? She is just too amazing to be real.


2016-01-03 21:17:44

Happy New Year!!! I hope 2016 brings you health, hope, happiness, and hugs!