Review of SilkTreasure

Treasure or princess Ariana

2024-05-25 03:19
Hard to describe what I felt and what I still feel when visiting this beautiful person. I have been a particularly loyal former member of the site for at least more than 5 years. I am also of a certain age my expectations are certainly different from younger ones. What attracts me is this wonderful look, this wonderful smile always. No need for a better reception, they invite respect and consideration with a modesty worthy of the name. Only the expressions on her face make you understand what she seems to be waiting for in order to be able to enjoy your visit or not. On all occasions she remains radiant, delightful, pleasant patient. I know only a few models who accept almost endless chats free of charge with no other interests than knowing you, maybe knowing us and sharing as friends. Of course she is a real woman, a lady, but she is incredibly charming. She also knows what a man expects and knows how to be sexy enticing without vulgarity. Without asking for anything she can t attract drive you crazy with desire. Her personality as she describes it in her profile is true sincere even pure. She's not lying, she's not trying to manipulate you. It seems to me that his job is to please you even more to really understand you and make his visitors happy. It is a rarity…. You cannot feel the lure of profit you feel a real "friendship" and you are in confidence for a better discovery in intimacy.
Once you let yourself be drawn into privat you discover how much sensuality and beauty it can bring. She is magnificent with full forms and she leads you to discover them in aerial movements of unparalleled eroticism. You always remain spellbound with her gaze and her smile until she gives you without your asking for her privacy. She plays all her strengths to make you explode with pleasure. It would be shameless to reveal to you how she manages to excite you with her own excitations, she shows how she desires you and how she wishes our common pleasure. Rare for a woman she guides you. She is true pure a fairy of love. It's not sex for the sake of sex… .it's desire for desire… .It's funny I don't remember if as you might be interested obviously she plays toys… it doesn't matter yes or no I don't reminds me of that of its fun. And believe me it was not faked
When you appreciate someone, you like to share their qualities with others. This woman is truly a phoenix, she is a beautiful bird. Come and fly with her to paradise up to the 7th heaven. She offers you the best of herself and what better…. Difficult to find better elsewhere or in any case it remains the best. She is brilliant generous funny she will give you all the attention you want and if you consider her the best that she deserves she will give you back what you never imagined. My friends of the site, I invite you to support her in private, she deserves it and will encourage you to do so without ever asking you it is her strength. Thanks in advance for it. 
Private show
Camera quality

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